About six years ago, GACL entered into its first successful Private Public Partnership (PPP) arrangement with SERVAIR. Today, we are gathered here to witness the inauguration of its new unit at Kotoka International Airport. I wish to commend the Management of SERVAIR for their foresight in putting up this facility.
GACL is happy to own 31% shares in SERVAIR Ghana, a subsidiary of GateGroup. SERVAIR prides itself as the leading French airline catering and cabin cleaning company ranking 3 rd on the global front. It is also worth noting that SERVAIR is the 3 rd airline catering company operating at KIA.
Hon. Minister, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Over the past few years, GACL has partnered the private sector where necessary, to develop facilities and services that will be beneficial to the industry. As you may well be aware, Ghana’s aviation industry stands out as one of the fastest growing and perhaps the most competitive in the West African sub-region.
With Terminal 3 coming on stream in the next few months, GACL is gradually inching closer to achieving its vision of positioning Ghana as the Preferred Aviation hub and leader in airports business in West Africa. We are very hopeful that Terminal 3 will be the game-changer in the aviation industry in Ghana and look forward to attracting more airlines and other aviation-related businesses in the near future.
GACL will continue to support and collaborate with all its stakeholders and partners by providing the necessary facilities and services so that collectively we can achieve our objectives.
I urge Servair Ghana to continue to display the high level of professionalism it is noted for, for the ultimate good of the industry.
On behalf of the Board and Management of GACL, I extend a hearty congrats to SERVAIR Ghana and wish them continuous success in their operations. Ayekooo! Well done!
Hon. Minister, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
I thank you for your attention.